Sunday, September 17, 2023



In the 1800's, scientific and weight/measure skills etc had been acquired from abroad and brought back to Ireland by this well-known Irish rebel, who had gathered like-minded individuals around him and put a plan together to 'introduce' those skills to the British political and military establishment in this country...

In the late 1850's in Ireland, such was the level of suffering witnessed by the various clergy in the country and by some in the business community that they supported an organisation which had not been 'granted legal status' by Westminster...

This Irish political leader had somehow convinced thousands of Irishmen that their best interests - politically, militarily and financially - lay in propping-up the very 'Empire' that was doing, worldwide, what it was also doing to them...

Ireland 2002 (and still true today, unfortunately) - we had then lost our once-famous empathy and, considering how society has hardened-up since then, it seems that we get our retaliation in first now...

From Lusk in County Dublin to Ashbourne in County Meath, this Irish military fighter gained such a reputation that, having captured him, the British took him to their own country and moved him from prison to prison in an attempt to break him - they couldn't, so a 'mishap' occurred...

Ireland, 1920 - this young Irishman had one 'job' (!) on in the morning and a second appointment made for early that afternoon - but the morning session didn't go as planned and he never made it to the second one. But he did make it into our history books...

A comparison made in the late 1980's between the 'Establishments', their paid-for spokespeople in the 'free press' and in society in general and how things were much the same 2,000 years ago...

We'll have a seven-parter ready (so I'm told!) for the blog for this Wednesday, 20th September 2023 ; so have some manners, won't ya, and don't leave us reading it all by ourselves!

I'll be Counting (*groan!*) on ya for the 20th...

Thanks for the visit, and for reading ; see yis then!

Sharon and the team.