Saturday, June 22, 2024


Ah sure, look it...

...we're not anymore bigheaded now than we were before we clocked-up over 1,500,000 hits.

YA WHA'???

You hadn't noticed, you say... "so what?", ya declare, with a shrug of your shoulders...

"Big deal...", you retort, throwing your eyes up to Heaven...

Well feck off then, and don't check back with us on Wednesday, 26th June 2024, when we'll be posting a blog with 1,500, in it, covering the following four stories and nineteen others -

Between January and June in this particular year in the 1920's, the IRA had time-and-a-half the number of 'men and women in uniform' that the Staters had, but the latter had one advantage that the former didn't have - Westminster...

1920's, Ireland - Michael Collins told directly by Westminster to 'sort out' an on-going incident between his people and the IRA or else they would do what they deemed necessary to bring the incident to a close in their favour...

1919, Ireland - 'Legion'-aires (!) disease outbreak (a rose by any other name..!) in a county near Dublin soon morphed into its true colours...

1919, Ireland ; for this RIC man, his 'job' wasn't - it was a passion, his 'mission in life'. His forced absence (!) was even noted in Westminster, who praised him and called for political ramifications to be enacted in Ireland... US a favour : add another score to our hit counter, won't ya not, as we're trying to get to two million.

Not greedy or anything...!

Thanks for the visit, and for reading : see yis on Wednesday, 26th June 2024!

Sharon and the team.

Sunday, June 16, 2024

1,500,000 AND COUNTING...!

Go Raibh Maith Agat/Thank You!

A couple of days ago, we 'aged' - to over 1,500,000 hits on this blog - and counting...!

We espouse, support and believe in traditional Irish Republicanism on this weblog and, while we have always been aware that there is support 'out there' for our political, societal and historical values, the three of us continue to be grateful to all our readers, and surprised by where they come from.

We have been repeatedly 'hit on' by regular customers (!) from America (big 'Hi!' to our readers in the White House, all our colleagues in New York, Florida, Boston etc), Canada, Russia, England (...including our viewers in the 'House of Lords' and elsewhere in Westminster - yes, we see you...!) and our tens of thousands of readers in France, Germany, Switzerland and about 170 other countries!

The three of us try our best to remember lesser-known figures and occurrences from Irish history and politics, and keep them 'alive' for those with a similar interest, as well as the better-known occurrences.

It's a formula which works for us, and one that we love and enjoy, and our intention is to keep doing it until we have exhausted all our many resources.

Mór againn do chuidiú.

Is mise le meas, agus le gach dea-ghuí!

Thanks for the visit, and for reading!

Sharon and the team.