Sunday, January 12, 2025
Are you aware that, at the time of writing, there are only 50 weeks left until the 31st December 2025 (New Year's Eve)?!
So why in the name of Jaze are ya sitting there, all relaxed like, reading this, when ya should be a-fussin' and a'feudin' over Christmas 2025...??
...but, before ya go - and talking of numbers - are you also not aware that we're back on the 15th with about 13 pieces which could be of interest to ya, if'n yer interested in Irish history and Irish politics?
'Cause that's the case - we ARE back then, with at least another 8 or 9 pieces like these...
More than 20 years ago in this State, a huge financial windfall fell into the laps of the citizens which, if utilised properly, could have quite literally insulated, financially, every citizen and every service in the 26-County State. But the politicians in Leinster House got involved and chaos ensued, in which only the 'Golden Circle' benefitted...
Ireland, 1920's - the same as today in 2025 in that it's not always those who cast a vote that effect change so much as those who count the votes cast...
Ireland, 1920's - who was this man, who was held hostage by the British, as 'bait', in a doorway in Dublin, in the belief that a 'bigger fish' would be caught? He suffered, physically, during that period, because he believed in the Cause he was suffering for. Then he decided to inflict similar suffering on those who had stood beside him, those who had and were suffering as he once did, those who had guarded his back during those lean years...
Dublin, 1920's - part of the city was closed off by the British and those within the affected zone were detained and searched. Every premises was turned over, every car searched, every pocket turned out, every handbag emptied out. Then, on the second day...
Right. That's it for now then.
We'll be here on Wednesday, 15th January 2025.
Where will you be...??!
Thanks for dropping in - see ya again on the 15th, hopefully!
Sharon and the team.