THEY ARE HELD IN BELFAST JAIL .......From 'The United Irishman' newspaper, January 1958 .HELD WITHOUT CHARGE OR TRIAL : Matt Loy , 66 Linenhall Square , Newry , County Down (interned after five months sentence) .
Dominic Loy , 66 Linenhall Square , Newry .
R.J. Fitzpatrick , Newry (interned after five months sentence) .
J.F. Moore , Newry (interned after five months sentence) .
Gerry Mulligan , 8 O' Neill Avenue , Newry .
James Morgan , 34 Lower Water Street , Newry .
Jack Moore , Dromalane , Newry .
James Savage , John Martin's Garden , Newry .
Pat Murtagh , Jerret's Pass , Newry .
Liam O' Neill , 60 Norfolk Street , Belfast , County Antrim .
Sean McKearney , 209 Mount Pottinger Road , Belfast .
Adam McIllhatton , 34 Forest Street , Belfast .
Paul Carlton , Ashton Street , Belfast .
Liam McMillan , 40 Ton Street , Belfast .
B. Boswell , 5 New Andrew Street , Belfast .
William Kelly , 12 Adela Street , Belfast . (MORE LATER).
ECONOMY IN CRISIS - An Historical Perspective....... By any standards the economy of Ireland , North and South , can be described as being in a sorry mess with crisis , recession and imminent bankruptcy the most constant themes of economic discussion , intermittently over the last decade and ceaselessly in the last three years . In this article , Peter Graham surveys the factors which have produced this economy , and the historical role of foreign and native Irish capital. From 'IRIS' magazine , November 1982.As an alternative to investment in home industries , the far easier attractions of the lucrative London stock market drew capital out of Ireland , and the acquired wealth of the prosperous native followed the rack-rented spoils of the absentee landlord .
As the banks grew up and spread like wildfire throughout the towns of Ireland in the nineteenth century , picking up the small deposits of the lowly , they too concentrated not on investing in Irish industrial development but rather in Britain ; this country was starved of its necessary capital and so we became , and have remained to the present day , an economic peculiarity in normal colonial and neo-colonial relationships , in exporting capital to the dominant country rather than being the recipient of capital for exploitative development .
Whatever capital was attracted to Ireland from Britain was generally concentrated in the north-east , which , up until recently , looked more stable and attractive for investment than other areas of the country . From 1922 then , the Six Counties continued and maintained its industrialisation , controlling by sectarian divisions the class conflict that might otherwise have arisen , particularly during
the depression of the 1930's. During
the Second World War, the British link gave the North's industries , particularly ship-building , an enormous boost which continued prosperity for its owners into the post-war 1950's
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DIVIS FLATS : Building Towards A Demolition Campaign ....... Divis Flats , at the bottom of the Falls Road in West Belfast , have acquired a reputation for 'trouble' - of all kinds - and social deprivation ever since they were built in the 1960's . They have also endured some of the severest British repression meted out during the past 14 years , and replied with some of the fiercest resistance . Local resident and community activist Jim Faulkner examines the new resurgence of morale in the flats complex and the prospects it faces in its biggest battle yet - for total demolition . From 'IRIS' magazine , November 1983 .In November 1982 , a woman and her 2-year-old son were trapped in a lift in Divis Flats for one-and-a-half hours ; the child became hysterical and his mother had to climb through the roof of the lift to summon help - for days after the incident the child suffered from convulsions , vomiting and nightmares .
Twenty-eight per cent of households have a family member who has been injured , including broken limbs , as a result of accidents on broken staircases or holes in the pavements and balcony walkways . In one tragedy in February this year
(1983) ,
4-year-old Jimmy McGivern from Cullingtree Walk in the Divis complex was drowned after falling into an open sewer near his home , while playing at the site of the multi-million-pound Westlink motorway then under construction .
Farrans, the British construction company building the motorway , were fined only a few hundred pounds for
criminal neglect in leaving the sewer uncovered . On the morning of young Jimmy's funeral ,
the Housing Executive despatched their cleaning staff to the balcony where he had lived - knowing that television cameras would be there - and the balcony area was made spotless . But the balcony directly above - Cullingtree Row - had not been swept for three days and stayed littetred with rubbish . Another death led to a pane of glass being replaced
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