On a damp , dark, grey and drizzly Saturday afternoon in Dublin , hundreds of Irish Republicans , on-lookers , the curious ,tourists - and the Special Branch (Political Police)- all stood outside , around, on the traffic isle and across the road from the GPO , in O' Connell Street , for between sixty and ninty minutes , as Republican Sinn Féin Poblachtach held its Annual 'Eve Rally' , at which a 'state-of-play' address is given to the crowd.
Led by a Piper (from the Glens Of Antrim) , followed by representatives from Cumann na mBan and Na Fianna Éireann , those that had assembled at the Garden of Remembrance in Parnell Square fell-in behind an RSF Colour Party and marched down O'Connell Street to the GPO , where a small stage and lectern had been assembled.
The Chairperson , Andy Connolly , Dublin, welcomed those present and took a few minutes to explain to tourists and locals alike the reason why Irish Republicans continue to hold street rallies , to recruit , organise and 'steady' themselves - because of the on-going political situation in the North-East of this country, in part of which the British writ still holds and is being enforced ,
financially ,politically and militarily , despite the impression giving by the 'establishment' and the media , that 'we have moved on from all that...' : Andy stated that before we can 'move on' , Westminster will have to 'move out'!
A Speaker representing the 'Southern Contingent' [!](Cork), Lita Ni Chathmhaoil , outlined some of the history behind the decades-old 'Eve Rally' , mentioning Cork Republicans who had risen-up to challenge Westminster over its interference in this country and assured those listening that Irish Republicans from Cork will be out in support of their Republican colleagues next year , when a British 'queen' is due to grace us with her presence (!) , a theme also used by the Speaker representing the 'Northern Contingent' (County Down , one of the six occupied Irish counties), Fergal Moore , who , to loud applause, gave a guarantee that, win or lose at the match on Sunday, Irish Republicans will 'win out' in the end when it comes to the 'match' between them and the British and pro-British forces ranged against them , as they have, amongst other attributes, historical rights , natural justice and sheer perseverance in their 'armoury'.
The Chairperson asked the Piper to play a Lament for the Dead , following which he outlined the political position of Republican Sinn Féin Poblachtach , thanked Cumann na mBan ,Na Fianna Éireann , the RSF Colour Party , the two Speakers and the crowd for standing their ground against both the bad weather and the Political Police (who were being their normal intrusive selves) and asked all those present to stand to attention as the Piper played the National Anthem , bringing proceedings to a close.
We publish with this post six more photographs from today - please note that a full report and more photographs will be published in the October 2010 issue of 'SAOIRSE' , which goes to print on Wednesday the 6th of that month :

Finally - this blog offers it congratulations to all who took part today in, once again , visibly and vocally bringing Republicanism on to the streets of Dublin : 'Well Done' to Republican Sinn Féin Poblachtach for keeping the Flag flying!