...and Irish Republicans will not stand by while the Free State administration attempts to treat them as such.
Portlaoise Prison protest : the Free State regime are attempting to place Irish Republican POW's on the same prison landing where criminals are presently incarcerated in Portlaoise Prison. A protest against this injustice will be held outside the prison on SATURDAY 23rd JANUARY 2010 from 10am to 4pm.
All those concerned about this latest attempt to criminalise the on-going struggle to remove the unwanted British political and military presence from Ireland are asked to attend this protest. We have political prisoners because of this political conflict ; they are not 'criminals' and we will not stand by as attempts are made to treat them as such.
Portlaoise Prison protest, Saturday 23rd January 2010 , 10am to 4pm.

Venue : The GPO in Dublin's O'Connell Street , from 12 Noon to 2pm .
After a peaceful Civil Rights march on January 30th , 1972 - from Creggan to Free Derry Corner - units of the British army Parachute Regiment opened fire with automatic rifles and shot dead 13 unarmed civilians , injuring many more . It was later revealed that some days prior to the massacre , the British soldiers involved had been briefed to "...shoot to kill.." at the march .
" This Sunday became known as 'Bloody Sunday' and bloody it was . It was quite unnecessary . It strikes me that the (British) army ran amok that day and shot without thinking of what they were doing . They were shooting innocent people . They may have been taking part in a parade which was banned , but that did not justify the troops coming in and firing live rounds indiscriminately . I would say without reservations that it was sheer unadulterated murder . It was murder , gentlemen . "
- the words of British Major Hubert O'Neill , Derry City Coroner, at the conclusion of the inquests on the 13 people killed by the British Army on Bloody Sunday .
On Saturday January 30th next , a picket to mark the 38th Anniversary of that massacre will be held at the GPO in Dublin , from 12 Noon to 2pm . All welcome !