The state trumpets every drugs seizure as a major victory over the barons. But the war against drugs is really a murky world characterised by botched operations , questionable use of informers and ego-driven squabbles between the Garda Siochana and customs officials.
Mairead Carey gets the inside story.
From 'MAGILL' magazine , August 2002.
The vast majority of customs officers who spoke to 'Magill Magazine' believe that a joint agency similar to the US 'Drug Enforcement Administration' (DEA) is the only answer to their current problems. They point to the success of the 'Criminal Assets Bureau' (CAB) as an example of how Customs and the Garda Siochana can work well together.
Labour Party justice spokesperson , Pat Rabbitte , also believes it is time that the Minister considered a single agency to tackle drugs - " There is no room for turf wars in the fight against the drug barons. The new Minister should look at the merits of streamlining , in a single agency, those in the frontline against drug dealing."
As for Jack Doyle's allegations , he says - " There seems to be a prima facie case that requires an investigation. If there is any truth in these allegations , there is a need to review whether legislative changes are necessary to govern these type of operations."
(Next : ' The Murder Of John Corcoran : The Cover-Up Continues' - from 'Magill Magazine' , 1998.)

From 'MAGILL' magazine , June 1980.
" In speaking to Mr de Valera I was certain that I was adopting the right course : I had had many kindnesses from him and I knew that he would not resent my approach. When I was put in contact with him by his personal secretary , Miss O' Kelly, I said - "I have come into knowledge of matters of national concern and I am afraid that if I follow the normal course the information might not reach Government. Does my duty end with informing my Minister or am I responsible to Government by whom I was appointed ? ".
The President asked me to repeat what I had said and I did so : he said 'Are you sure of your facts' , and I said yes. The President asked 'Are you absolutely sure of your facts' and I replied that I was absolutely sure. "Then" , said the President , "You have a clear duty to Government , you should speak to the Taoiseach" . I thanked him.
I did not tell the President the nature of my information and he did not ask. After the dismissal of the Ministers on May 6th I had a phone call from Miss O' Kelly who asked me to repeat my conversation with the President. I did so in the terms above , of which I made a note. Miss O' Kelly thanked me and said that I had confirmed the President's recollection that the subject matter had never been mentioned by me...."

....from the monthly raffle held on Sunday 13th November 2011 :
First prize of €200 was won by Robin , Blanchardstown , with ticket No. 524 , Second prize went to C. Kennedy , ticket No. 345 , Third prize went to Eóin , from Tallaght , with ticket No. 322 and the 'Half-Way' prize - Fourth - was won by Maggo , with ticket No. 159.
Fifth prize went to the holder of ticket No. 589 , Colm , from Raheny , Sixth prize was won by Paul G. with ticket No. 003 , the second-last prize - Seventh - went to Jack P. , ticket No. 327 and the last prize - Eight - went to Greg K. , the holder of ticket No. 029.
Well done to all the winners - and especially to those who opened their prize envelopes and bought us all a round !
"Rev. Michael Griffin C.C., (Gurteen Galway.), A supporter of the Irish language and volunteer causes, was taken from his residence at 2 Mountpelier Tce. Galway on the night of 14 -15 November 1920 to the HQ of the Crown forces in Taylor’s Hill. His body was found on Sunday 20th. November having been buried in a boggy field at Cloghscoltia near Barna. A military inquiry held at Eglinton Police Station found that he died as a result of a gunshot wound to his head, fired feloniously, wilfully and with malice by some person or persons unknown......"
(From here.)
The Father Griffin Commemoration will be held on Sunday next at 12 Noon in Bearna , County Galway - details here whilst two other brave Irishmen - Kevin Barry and Frank Driver - will also be remembered by Irish Republicans on that same Sunday , in Kildare and Carlow.
Details here.
"Yes , I am a dreamer. For a dreamer is one who can only find his way by moonlight , and his punishment is that he sees the dawn before the rest of the world."
An 'Oscar Wilde' tribute , from this blog to those three brave men who , having seen the (political) "dawn" , joined like-minded men and women in an organisation which is campaigning to hasten its coming.....
Thanks for reading,