Aitheasc an Uachtaráin Ruairí Ó Brádaigh don 85ú Ard-Fheis de Shinn Féin in Óstlann an Spa , Leamhcán , Co. Atha Cliath , 21ú agus 22ú Deireadh Fómhair , 1989 /
Presidential Address of Ruairí Ó Brádaigh to the 85th Ard-Fheis of Sinn Féin in the Spa Hotel , Lucan , County Dublin , 21st and 22nd October 1989.....
" We are not afraid of the facts. Nor are we afraid of open debate about these facts - the full story of what Sinn Féin Poblachtach stands for and stood for over the years. The very reluctance of our opponents to engage in such debate , the ongoing mis-representation and black propaganda is proof , if proof were needed , that the attempt to cloud the real issues , the core values of Irish Republicanism , is not exactly an accident. Cuirimís chuige más ea.
In the Six Counties our organisation , in line with policy decided at last year's Ard-Fheis , geared itself up early this year to contest the local elections in May . What the political test oath for candidates in that election meant was spelled out clearly by us in our Easter statement - we had no intention of disowning publicly the Irish Republican Army , Cumann na mBan and Na Fianna Éireann , neither were we going to deny the right common to all people to use armed struggle as a last resort in striving to free their country from foreign invasion , occupation , oppression and exploitation.
Our candidates pledged to expose Mrs Thatcher's restrictions on free elections and deny the British an opportunity to tell the world that 100% of candidates swallowed her politically restrictive oath. With the election slogan 'For the Voice of True Republicanism , Vote Sinn Féin Poblachtach' , our manifesto promised to work for the restoration of Irish democracy and an end to British interference....."
(* '1169...' Comment - their word, not ours.)
From 'MAGILL' magazine, December 1997. By Ursula Halligan.

Seán O' Callaghan said John Corcoran was used by the IRA for low-level activity , such as driving IRA members around Cork. He described him as a weak man who crumbled when he was interrogated by the IRA and that , within three minutes of first meeting him he knew instinctively that Corcoran was working for the gardaí -
" He was in danger for a long time. He was always looking for information. He was under pressure to come up with stuff." O'Callaghan said that, in the last weeks of his life, Corcoran had been "....monitoring his movements ..." and was trying to contact him with a "...story.." . O'Callaghan said a 'belfast guy' from the IRA , the head of internal security, was sent to Cork to carry out an investigation into a number of matters.
After meeting Corcoran , claimed O'Callaghan, the 'belfast guy' was immediately suspicious and asked O'Callaghan what was going on ? O'Callaghan said Corcoran's luck ran out shortly afterwards , when he dropped a colleague of the 'Belfast guy' at a house that was subsequently raided by the gardaí. O'Callaghan said that raid directly triggered Corcoran's abduction by the IRA , and that it was senior figures in the IRA who ordered Corcoran's execution : " I was the person given the instruction to kill him by the Chief of Staff," O'Callaghan claimed.......

On Saturday 17th July 1976, two IRA Volunteers on active service - Patrick Cannon from Dublin and Peter McElchar from Donegal - set out in a car in which they were transporting an explosive device. They crossed the border from Donegal into Tyrone and were approaching the town of Castlederg when the device exploded prematurely. It was about 2.15pm.
Peter McElchar was killed instantly. Patrick Cannon was gravely injured and was taken to Tyrone County Hospital in Omagh. He was being transferred to hospital in Belfast when he died....
The Patrick Cannon Commemoration will be held on Saturday , 17th July 2010 , at 11.30am ; the assembly point is at the old Cemetery gates. Bus number 42 from Dublin City Centre will get you there!
