Jim Higgins, Fine Gael spokesman on Justice and former government Chief Whip, presented the clearest exposition so far of the passports for investment scheme in his speech to the Dáil (sic) on September 11, 1997. From 'Magill' magazine, October 1997.
"Sultan Khalid S Bin Mahfouz and Haroon Rashid Kahlon, together with the National Commercial Bank of Saudi Arabia , were sued by liquidators of the Bank of Credit and Commerce International in relation to the BCCI collapse. In July 1992 both men faced charges in the United States that they conspired to steal more than $300 million from BCCI depositors. These charges were dropped in late 1993 following a plea-bargaining settlement of $225 million.
Haroon Khalon pleaded guilty to the charge that he failed to register as a broker, for which it was agreed by the US authorities that he would not be jailed. Here we have the biggest banking scam and scandal in history, involving two principals who were accorded Irish citizenship on foot of references from three Irish citizens, who presumably testified to the effect that they had an "intimate acquaintance with the applicant" and could vouch for their good character, but the (State) Department of Justice still refuses to divulge the 'who, when or where' surrounding these applications.
The applicant is required to provide on the application form particulars of any proceedings, civil or criminal, taken against him or her in courts of law in this State or elsewhere. Was this information supplied and, if so, was it supplied accurately? The normal procedure for the issue of certificates of naturalisation is that they are signed by an Assistant Secretary in the (State) Department of Justice , yet in the case of Messrs. Mahfouz and Kahlon, the certificates were signed personally by the then Minister for Justice, Deputy Raphael P. Burke...." (MORE LATER).
By Michael O'Higgins and John Waters. From 'Magill Magazine' , October 1988.
Soldiers have always been identified in court by letters of the alphabet, and cross examination has been curtailed by Crown solicitors making frequent objections to questions on grounds of "security". The SAS statements, too, he has found, invariably follow a pattern, with the same phraseology turning up with monotonous regularity - soldiers invariably say they opened fire because they believed their lives were in danger, this being indicated by "sudden moves" on the part of the victims or the "sound of shots" (where only the SAS themselves had fired any shots). In some cases, says Father Murray, these "movements" have taken place while the victims were on the ground.
Following such killings, the SAS are invariably interviewed only in the presence of British Army lawyers, and generally speaking there is a pattern whereby these statements are not made for some time after the killings. In the Gibraltar case, the British soldiers involved left the Rock on the evening of the killings and did not make any statements until March 15th , in London. Such inquests in the North of Ireland go mostly unreported and ignored, because the families of the victims cannot afford to hire lawyers to ensure a thorough examnation of the facts. Whatever about the verdict, there is no doubt that Paddy McGrory's spotlight on the SAS methodology in Gibraltar has opened a lot of people's eyes to the role of the regiment in relation to Ireland and the IRA. (MORE LATER).
(Similar words to those which Mr Kenny might utter, seen here seated at the same table as his queen.)
On Thursday last , 18th September 2014, Scottish voters apparently decided to keep its existing political relationship with Westminster , a fate that was sealed when financial issues were used as a tactic by the pro-union camp, which also put in place its 'Plan B': the manipulation of the votes that were cast.
Whatever way that vote would have gone it would not have impacted on the Irish republican point of view in relation to our situation here in Ireland regarding the jurisdictional claim which Westminster enforces in our six north-eastern counties as our 'constitutional position' requires no discussion or vote as Ireland is one country, all 32 counties, no 'ifs' or 'buts' about it. Not so, as expected, with nationalist constitutionalists , one of whom stated - "....the Good Friday Agreement provided for a Border Poll. It is time for the people who share this island to have a respectful and informed debate with regard to Irish Unity or continued partition....the people here, like our Scottish cousins, should be provided the opportunity in a Border Poll to determine the constitutional position....that is the democratic way forward.....". The "democratic way forward" is for the British to finish their political and military withdrawal from Ireland, and not for any Irish person, regardless of political creed, to try and use the Scottish vote to 'gain improved terms and conditions' from Westminster, as former republicans want to do. However, there is no such confusion in the Irish republican camp, and nor should there be.
Des Dalton , Seán Dolan and Fergal Moore at the Eve of All-Ireland Rally in Dublin on Saturday 20th September 2014.
The Rally was Chaired by RSF President Des Dalton, who also said a few words from the platform, and the orations were given by Seán Dolan and Fergal Moore. It was a busier than usual affair, as about three thousand protesters against the water tax were also at the GPO at the same time and were, as expected, supported in their protest by the RSF , Na Fianna Éireann and Cumann na mBan members present.
RSF Colour Party, Cumann na mBan and Na Fianna Éireann representatives at the GPO, Saturday 20-9-14.
Both speakers, and the Chairperson, made reference to the recent Scottish independence vote and all noted (as we have mentioned ourselves in this blog post) how it appears not to have been above board and how money issues were abused by both official and unofficial anti-independence groupings, and it was stated from the RSF platform that Irish republicans have also experienced setbacks in our struggle for independence but that we have bounced back from same each time and, hopefully, Scottish 'Yes' voters and supporters will do the same.
Seán, the Piper, takes a breather!
Seán Dolan delivering his oration.
A young Na Fianna Éireann member at the Rally.
Des Dalton and Fergal Moore.....
...and, finally, a view from the left!
The orations in full will be published in the October 2014 issue of 'Saoirse' , which goes to print on Wednesday 8th of that month. We happily mingled with the anti-water tax protesters and they with us , and took a few pics to prove it -
Absent! RSF crew taking a break with the protesters.
Girl Power - taking no crap!
Watching him watching us....
....as we have a sit-down protest outside the GPO. The cop didn't join us!
We had a great day out in O'Connell Street , and 'killed two birds with the one stone' - we reminded thousands of people that the conflict in the six counties is not yet over and reminded the leeches in Leinster House that the conflict re their water tax is not yet over, either, regardless of how much pressure they put on us not to take to the streets, and even if RTE continues to ignore us -
- we ain't going away!
From the 17th June 2014 until 22nd September last, a picket had been placed on the Greyhound premises on Crag Avenue in Clondalkin by 78 employees who objected to their terms and conditions being unilaterally changed overnight by their management. The dispute has now been settled but it has left a lot of bad blood in the company, with some of the strikers about to find themselves working alongside employees who not only didn't support them but, in some cases, actually held placards opposing them. Some of the workers, from both 'sides', live in the Clondalkin area and/or have family there and a strained atmosphere is noticeable in parts of the neighbourhood but this has not yet resulted in any incidents that we are aware of. But, considering that the 1913 Lock Out still manages to raise the ire in this State between workers and bosses, the 2014 Lock Out will raise it between worker and worker. And divided we fall....
"....suddenly Bartholomew Teeling broke from the Franco-Irish forces and charged forward on his horse. One may imagine the scene: the British at first watch incredulously, then a scattered fire of muskets. Teeling is unharmed, galloping onwards. The British sharpshooter by the cannon coolly takes aim. Teeling eyes him and suddenly swerves his horse; the shot goes past him. The sharpshooter curses and reloads. Another ragged volley from the infantry and again they miss....the French and the Irish are cheering but they can’t believe he will make it. Teeling’s horse leaps a ditch and gallops on past the infantry, foam flying from the animal's body – the sharpshooter looks up at him, loses his nerve and fumbles the charging of his musket. Teeling is up at the gun, he has drawn his pistol and shoots the sharpshooter dead. He draws another pistol and shoots the gunner. The Irish and French are ecstatic and charge forward. The British are stunned; some stand but most of the British infantry flee from the superior numbers and leave the cannon in the hands of the insurrectionist forces, as well as 60 dead and 100 taken prisoner....." (from here.)
Another author wrote, re the above scene, which took place at the Battle of Collooney - "...this was the turning point of the battle. The troops despatched from Knockbeg had reached Beal Ban and were already rushing down on the British flank. The other column was advancing at a rapid pace against the front. There was no safety for Verecker from this double danger except in retreat; and as the Ballysadare road was no longer practicable, he ordered his men to cross the river and make for Sligo....."
Bartholomew Teeling (pictured, above) was only 24 years of age when he was captured at the Battle of Ballinamuck , Longford, as were another 500 or so Irish and French fighters. The French soldiers were treated as POW's but the Irish soldiers were executed - Teeling was hanged by the British on the 24th September 1798 at Provost Prison on Arbour Hill, Dublin, before his body was dumped into the 'Croppy Pit'.
He attempted to read the following statement from the scaffold, but was not permitted to do so: "Fellow-citizens, I have been condemned by a military tribunal to suffer what they call an ignominious death, but what appears, from the number of its illustrious victims, to be glorious in the highest degree. It is not in the power of men to abase virtue nor the man who dies for it. His death must be glorious in the field of battle or on the scaffold. The same Tribunal which has condemned me — citizens, I do not speak to you here of the constitutional right of such a Tribunal — has stamped me a traitor. If to have been active in endeavouring to put a stop to the blood-thirsty policy of an oppressive Government has been treason, I am guilty. If to have endeavoured to give my native country a place among the nations of the earth was treason, then I am guilty indeed. If to have been active in endeavouring to remove the fangs of oppression from the head of the devoted Irish peasant was treason, I am guilty. Finally, if to have striven to make my fellow-men love each other was guilt, then I am guilty. You, my countrymen, may perhaps one day be able to tell whether these were the acts of a traitor or deserved death. My own heart tells me they were not and, conscious of my innocence, I would not change my present situation for that of the highest of my enemies. Fellow-citizens, I leave you with the heartfelt satisfaction of having kept my oath as a United Irishman, and also with the glorious prospect of the success of the cause in which we have been engaged. Persevere, my beloved countrymen. Your cause is the cause of Truth. It must and will ultimately triumph."
Bartholomew Teeling , Irish Rebel , 1774-1798.
....on Saturday next, 27th September 2014 - those attending are asked to assemble at the Courthouse in Limerick City at 2pm. The 'Éire Nua' policy document can be read here and the history behind that particular policy can be read here (and here). No need to cloud the issue when it comes to British interference in Irish affairs - there is only one proper solution, and 'Éire Nua' points the way to it!

Thanks for reading , Sharon.