Friday, February 24, 2023


...Well - back in Dublin from our escapades in Galway (...more about that later!), but not back posting the blog just yet.

As promised before our break, we'll be back here on Wednesday, the 1st March 2023, with a seven-part post (eight, actually, if you include our holiday report!) in which we'll be writing a few details on an Irish political hunger-striker, an ex-American President running for the position of State President here (!), a few paragraphs about a Leinster House-initiated 'raffle' for a 'government contract' that was pulled (fixed?) at practically the last minute and a heart-breaking Irish story from 1848.

We'll be writing about a few other topics as well, but yis will have to check back with us on the 1st March to see what they are.

But for now, I've bags and baggages to unpack, the younger children have to be rounded-up, counted, and searched (!) and there's loads of apologises to email to Galwegians, who are still recovering from the mad crowd of Dubs that "gave us nothin' but grief, boy.."!

You can catch me on 'Facebook' and 'Twitter' between this and then, if yer gonna miss me that much. But I'm sure your aim will get better...!

Thanks for dropping by - see ya on the 1st March 2023.

Sharon (and the team!).