Aitheasc an Uachtaráin Ruairí Ó Brádaigh don 85ú Ard-Fheis de Shinn Féin in Óstlann an Spa , Leamhcán , Co. Atha Cliath , 21ú agus 22ú Deireadh Fómhair , 1989 /
Presidential Address of Ruairí Ó Brádaigh to the 85th Ard-Fheis of Sinn Féin in the Spa Hotel , Lucan , County Dublin , 21st and 22nd October 1989.....
" The latest negative attitude of the Dublin administration to any real consultation or the granting of increased local powers even within the limits of the 1992 'National Plan' must, however, raise doubts in all our minds about just how converted to these policies Fianna Fáil or the PD's are .
As for Fine Gael and Labour , all we can say is that it is not so long ago that they too were in office in Leinster House and Merrion Street and their record is not good.
We accept of course that the latest groups to break away from the Sinn Féin Poblachtach position , in 1969 and 1986 , may also come up with their own versions of a New Ireland which , incredibly, they seem to think can be achieved by the Leinster House 'short-cut' . One group , at least , had the decency to discard the noble 'Sinn Féin' title and rapidly evolve into a so-called 'Workers' Party' mould which is today not only highly centralised in all its operations and policies but has effectively become a neo-Unionist grouping in its public position on the national question. They have even discarded their version of socialism and opposition to the EC in 1989......."

The (State) Gardaí used John Corcoran (pictured) as a (P)IRA informer. They allowed him to be killed by another (P)IRA informer, and have since refused to investigate his murder*.
From 'MAGILL' magazine, Christmas Annual 1997.
By Ursula Halligan and Vincent Browne.
(* '1169...' Comment - their word, not ours.)
The key questions they want answered by the gardaí and the (State) minister for justice are -
Did Seán O Callaghan communicate the danger that John Corcoran's life was in to his garda handler , as he said he did?
If he did inform his garda handler about the danger to John Corcoran's life, why didn't the gardaí do something about it?
At what stage did the gardaí know how John Corcoran died?
If Seán O Callaghan was working for the gardaí , then surely he would have told them what happened . Is it possible that the gardaí were conducting an investigation into the murder* at the same time that they had information from an informer about what had really taken place? Why haven't the gardaí interviewed Sean O Callaghan about his claims?
(Next : 'Murderer , Liar or Both?' , from 1997.)
Danny Morrison , one-time Provo Sinn Féin 'spin doctor' and current part-time 'guru' to Gerry Adams and Company, recently entertained all and sundry with a tale of a 'chance meeting' he had with an English 'royal' in Glastonbury - 'Prince' Charles : however, Danny made no protest and never once raised the issue with that 'royal' - the Colonel-in-Chief of The Parachute Regiment - of the continuing unwanted presence in Ireland of the political and military institutions represented by that man. Instead, they chit-chatted about 'outdoor holidays' and the like ! Mr Morrison , who will probably never wash his shaking-hand again, stated - "I had no problem with him. There is a line drawn through the past." And, truth be told , as far as Danny , Gerry ,Martin and others of their ilk are concerned , there is indeed 'a line drawn through the past' but, as far as Irish Republicans are concerned, that issue is not "the past".
('An OBE in one hand and a tent peg in the other' !)
A Mr. Bernard Leddy ,Fianna Fáil Mayor of Lismore, Co. Waterford, has 'extended an invite' to the current English Queen to visit his 'fiefdom'! Mr Leddy said that irrespective of people’s views of the institution of the British monarchy, the fact remains that Ireland had "historic and cultural ties with the UK."
Ignoring the fact - as Fianna Fáil does - that those so-called "historic and cultural ties with the UK" are still on-going (six Irish counties are still under political and military jurisdictional 'control' from Westminster) Mr Leddy is seeking to use his hoped-for 'connection' with that English 'queen' to secure his own political future. And to think that Fianna Fáil classes itself as 'The Republican Party'!
Incidentally , finally realising just how 'accident prone' the 'royals' are, the Westminster administration have recently 'tweaked' their 'Constitutional Reform And Governance Bill' to 'save the blushes' of those corgi owners . Should something similar be done , we ask, for our Danny and Bernard....