Aitheasc an Uachtaráin Ruairí Ó Brádaigh don 85ú Ard-Fheis de Shinn Féin in Óstlann an Spa , Leamhcán , Co. Atha Cliath , 21ú agus 22ú Deireadh Fómhair , 1989 /
Presidential Address of Ruairí Ó Brádaigh to the 85th Ard-Fheis of Sinn Féin in the Spa Hotel , Lucan , County Dublin , 21st and 22nd October 1989....."Cad is fiú seasamh na Gaeilge i mBunreacht na bliana 1937 nuair nach bhfuil an rialtas féin sásta an seasamh sin a chosaint sa bhaile, ina chuid gnóthaí féin, nó sa Chómhargadh mar a bhfuil seasamh eile ar fad ag Rialtaisína Danmhairge, na Gréige agus na hÍsiltíre i leith a dteangacha náisiúnta féin?
Thóg muintir na hÍsiltíre raic le gairid nuair a bhí baol ann, dar leo, go gcuirfeadh an "cairt idirnáisiúnta nua" teilifíse isteach ar a gcumas cláir in Ollainnis a chraoladh go díreach chuig a muintir féin gan chur isteach. Ag an am ceanna tá leisce ar Sheamus Brennan aontú le haon mhaolú ar ghreim na gclár Meiriceánach ar screidil RTÉ mar, dar leis, go gcothaíonn na "soaps" céanna ár gcaidreamh cultúrtha le cine Gael i Meiriceá agus san Astráil!
The shameful undermining of further developments in our national airline, even in the unfair and difficult atmosphere of 1992, is another example of a case where the new-style Fianna Fáil in tandem with the PD (West German) 'Free Democrats' , change the rules as soon as an efficient state company competes, and wins......." (MORE LATER).
BETRAYAL....... The (State) Gardaí used John Corcoran (pictured) as a (P)IRA informer. They allowed him to be killed by another (P)IRA informer, and have since refused to investigate his murder*. From 'MAGILL' magazine, Christmas Annual 1997.By Ursula Halligan and Vincent Browne. (* '1169...' Comment - their word, not ours.)In the various accounts given by Seán O Callaghan, he describes the last days of John Corcoran after he was abducted by the IRA. He tells how Corcoran confessed to being a garda informer, to trying to set up O Callaghan and to leaking information about the Togher Post Office robbery in Cork in 1981, when three men were arrested.
In the account given to the editor of
'The Kerryman' newspaper ,
Gerard Colleran, just before
Seán O Callaghan handed himself over to British police, he said -
" I had to travel to Monaghan to meet the IRA's Chief of Staff to get permission to shoot. During my absence , Corcoran was guarded. John Corcoran spoke to me , and I taped most of what he said . I sent the tape to his family. Prior to the shooting we were sitting in a field, chatting for three or four hours.
He didn't try to get away and was not arguing . He wasn't blindfolded. He knelt down on the ground and I shot. I said a prayer, an act of contrition, before I shot him. He turned his back. He was shot in the back of the head. Corcoran said 'go easy'. That was it. He knew he was in the shit for three years and it had come home to roost. I felt human compassion......."(MORE LATER).
TRADE UNIONS AND THE HUNGER-STRIKE....... From 'IRIS' magazine, November 1981. Jim Kemmy, a self-styled 'socialist' and confessed anti-nationalist who won his Limerick seat on the strength of a protest vote against the major parties, and later went on to vote for anti-worker budgets submitted by the reactionary Fine Gael government whilst attacking the hunger-strikers at every available opportunity, recently received a bitter rebuke from some of his fellow union members.
The Dublin branch of
the Bricklayers' Union , which comprises over half the union's membership, recently voted by over two to one in favour of the prisoners' demands. This way an implicit rejection of Jim Kemmy's position which he was vocal on subsequent to his election.
In the Fermanagh/South Tyrone by-election on August 20th (1981) ,
Owen Carron, who was
Bobby Sands' election agent, received not only 32,000 votes plus , and victory from the people of the area, but also a rapturous response from the workers at the world-famous
Belleek pottery plant. This was in contrast to one of his unfortunate opponents ,
SFWP candidate, Tom Moore, who not only suffered a derisory vote but who was also severely embarrassed by his own Newry work-mates : Moore works in a Newry factory and was condemned for standing against Owen Carron by the workers who once elected him as their union rep. Those same workers also let it be known that they had financially supported Carron's election campaign
.......(MORE LATER).