The Patriot Game.
"This Ireland of mine
Has for long been half free,
Six counties are under
John Bull's tyranny.
And still deValera
Is greatly to blame,
For shirking his part in
The Patriot Game...."
(Lyrics here, listen here.)
Congratulations (and 'Thanks'!) to Ruairí Ó Brádaigh and to Republican Sinn Féin Poblachtach.

On November 14th and 15th this year , the Republican Sinn Féin organisation will hold its 105th Ard Fheis in a Dublin venue - and will say " Slán go fóill anois" to its President , Ruairí Ó Brádaigh. Ruairi , whom we on this blog have had the pleasure and honour of meeting on countless occasions ,is a dedicated Irish Republican who is as politically honest as the day is long (a saying he uses himself in relation to other people!) and has never sought or fought for any political objective other than a 32-county socialist Irish Republic , free of British political and military interference. He - and fellow Irish Republicans - have been imprisoned , harassed and censored , amongst other disgraces , by their pro-Westminster and Leinster House enemies but have never faltered or compromised. Nor will they now , which is why this blog is so supportive of Irish Republicans of that calibre. We wish Ruairi and RSF best wishes , and offer our appreciation to them for the fantastic work they have done , are doing , and will continue to do. Ruairi will still be on the Ard Chomhairle of RSF , and has been nominated as Patron of the organisation. An Phoblacht Abú !
We have obtained two 'Visitor Passes' for the 105th Ard Fheis,where political motions , such as the following examples , will be put forward for discussion and accepted or rejected , as the case may be :
"That this Ard Fheis recognises the outstanding contribution that Ruairí Ó Brádaigh has made to Irish Republicanism and commends his selfless commitment to the goal of a United Ireland."
"That this Ard Fheis acknowledges that resistance to the British presence in Occupied Ireland must continue unabated to remove that presence no matter how long it may take."
"That this Ard Fheis calls for a total British disengagement from Ireland , the release of all political prisoners and the future of Ireland to be decided by the people of Ireland acting as a whole unit (32 Counties) . "
"That we actively oppose all British Royal visits to any part of Ireland while Ireland remains under British occupation."
"That this Ard Fheis congratulates all Republican prisoners and their families in the struggle for Irish freedom."
In total , 112 motions will be discussed at this Ard Fheis and , whilst we hope to publish a general report from same , we will not be publishing a detailed report , as the matters concerned are , for now, internal RSF matters. We respect that stipulation , and wouldn't have it any other way.