From 'MAGILL' magazine , September 1984.
By Derek Dunne.
'Clause 5' of the consent form states - "The health of an individual volunteer will not be improved by participation in any drug trial of this nature. On the contrary, some element, however small, of health and life endangering risk must always be involved in any study. It will be the responsibility of the Institute and its clinical staff to ensure, by all possible means, that the health of the participants is safeguarded." This is the standard clause on all consent forms.
According to Joe Claffey , Niall Rush was turned down for the test due to the condition of his veins , as the trial involved taking a large number of blood tests over the period. So it was important that the volunteers veins be in good order and others , besides Niall Rush, were turned down as well.
The same day, however, Niall Rush was accepted to undergo the Eproxindine 4/0089 test, a different one. Joe Claffey underwent his pre-medical on May 8th and was admitted on May 16th - he described the effects of the drug as being like an electric shock to the system , that it made you feel as if you had slowed down , even when you walked. He had the impression that he was never going to arrive at the point he was walking to but , mentally, there were no noticeable side effects - they were all physical.......

From 'MAGILL' magazine , June 1980.
"In later years , early in 1970 for instance, I found that information communicated to me verbally on a Thursday , simultaneously with communication to Garda HQ , had not been reported to the Minister in writing by the following Tuesday , when he intended to bring the matter to the notice of a government meeting.
On the Tuesday , the Commissioner denied any knowledge of the serious matter as did his senior officers but when a search was made it was found that the report had been received in Garda HQ on the Friday and had not been dealt with because the officer concerned was "house-hunting". These are some of the reasons why I felt that government would be best served by a continuation of my personal supervision in policy matters of a political nature.
In my time as eminence grise to Gerry Boland and , later, when in positions of additional paper authority as Assistant Secretary and Secretary of the Department for a span of over 13 years, I ran foul of Minister after Minister and quite a number of Members of the Oireachtas in refusing to accept their 'nods and winks' to turn a blind eye to irregularities......."

In the last few weeks there has been increased speculation by the establishment media that the present English 'queen' is planning to visit her loyal subjects in Stormont and Leinster House : the Irish Republican position on any such visit is clear -
'When the english robbed our language
and gave us theirs instead,
they gave us leave to cheat them
in the things we left unsaid,
when they robbed us of our claymores
and thought our pikes absurd,
we fashioned brand new weapons,
with each new fangled word.'
British 'Princess' Anne Windsor , for example, was the Colonel-in-Chief of the Worcestershire and Sherwood Foresters Regiment of the British Crown Forces (29th/45th Foot) until it became the 2nd Battalion of the Mercian Regiment (Worcesters and Foresters) . In 1916, the 178 (Forester) Brigade was sent to Dublin in an attempt to suppress the Easter Rising. The same women is presently associated with British political and military imperialism by virtue of the following positions which she holds :
* Colonel-in-Chief, The King’s Royal Hussars
* Colonel-in-Chief, The Worcestershire and Sherwood Foresters Regiment (29/45 Foot)
* Colonel-in-Chief, The Royal Corps of Signals
* Colonel-in-Chief, The Royal Logistic Corps
* Colonel-in-Chief, The Royal Army Veterinary Corps
* Commandant-in-Chief, The First Aid Nursing Yeomanry (Princess Royal’s Volunteer Corps)
* Colonel, The Blues and Royals
* Royal Colonel, The Royal Scots Borderers, 1st Battalion Royal Regiment of Scotland
* Royal Colonel, The 52nd Lowland Regiment, 6th Battalion Royal Regiment of Scotland
* Rear Admiral and Chief Commandant for women, Royal Navy
* Honorary Air Commodore, RAF Lyneham
* Honorary Air Commodore, University of London Air Squadron
* Royal Honorary Colonel, University of London OTC
* Commodore-in-Chief, Portsmouth.
Irish Republicans will be opposing the presence on this island of Anne Windsor or any other British 'Royal' : details of the intended protest will be announced nearer the date concerned .