I spoke like I had a gale of wind in my back, and he just could not make up his mind what stand to take against me. And then all of a sudden my bad temper exhausted itself and I sat down : "Let us stop all this nonsense. You know damn well you're ashamed of yourself." I pointed to his little boy who stood by the door - "Do you think he'll be proud of it before other boys some day? " He replied " If I didn't buy them somebody else would." I picked up 'Ireland's Own' and flicked the pages and I told him there used to be an advertisement in it that began 'Monkey Brand Won't Wash Clothes...' and told him that his excuses would not go far to wash his name - "I was drunk and they talked me into it....I did it out of spite..." .
He grinned at me and there was no further quarrel between us. I left him a note he could use if ever the need arose to clear his name. I like to recall that two of the great lessons I got in agitation came from my father and 'Black James' Duirin. Their secret? They both liked people. Somebody close to Paddy Hogan , Free State Minister for Agriculture, sent me, every now and then, a letter or a memorandum or a scrap from one written by him or to him on some issue in which I might be considered to have interest - it goes with my picture of him, a careless, open man. The first of these came to me at the height of the crisis on the findings of the Boundary Commission in 1925 and it was so sensational I just did not believe it , but I did take notice when I got a bit of a letter that showed that this country-wise man took a serious view of the noises made in a few townlands around Dungloe. I could have wished they had not drawn his notice on themselves until they won a few mild skirmishes with the bailiff to give them confidence. (MORE LATER).
The inside story of a personal feud that has left one man dead and tarnished the reputation of the PIRA's most fearsome brigade.
From 'Magill' magazine , April 2003.
By John Keane.
Unionists have denounced Patrick O' Callaghan's statement as further evidence of IRA intimidation even of "their own kind". However , it could also be the product of a conciliation attempt by the republican (ie PSF) leadership to halt the South Armagh brigade's slide towards the type of mafia-like bloodletting that recently brought about the demise of Johnny Adair's equally notorious and efficient killing machine in the Lower Shankill. The fallout, including the labelling of the staunch O' Callaghan clan as "vermin" by PIRA hardman Brian Keenan at the funeral of PIRA member Keith Rodgers , leaves the South Armagh PIRA's reputation severely tarnished. Even their bitter adversaries in the British Army have conceded grudging admiration for the discipline and military capability of the two South Armagh battalions in the past but now, with the (PIRA) war over and names being named with tacit approval in coffee-table history books, the PIRA in South Armagh looks like ending its struggle not with a bang but with a whimper. The public condemnations had already begun before the South Armagh Provos began turning on their own : Raymond Kelly , a 20-year-old University of Ulster student from Ballsmill in South Armagh, was savagely beaten six months ago and that attack followed exactly the same pattern , was carried out with the same military precision and is thought to have been executed by the same people as the attack on Kevin O' Callaghan. The third-year civil engineering student was on the first week of a work placement job with a firm in the 26 Counties when an eight-man gang in three vehicles forced him off the road shortly after he left his home at 7am.......(MORE LATER).
'Four Martyrs' Mass Card , December 1922 (and a BIG 'GRMA' to Anthony for this pic!)
The commemorative event held on Saturday 8th December 2012 in Wynn's Hotel for the 'Four Martyrs' was a great success , with a full room and the full programme adhered to. Unfortunately, a rep from this blog was unable to get to same as we had a full programme of events ourselves, preparing for the 650-ticket monthly raffle ,which was held on Sunday 9th , but most of the stubs have to be collected on the Friday and Saturday before the raffle, as the amount of paperwork attached to each individual stub is unreal!
We were promised a brief report and a few pics re the commemorative event but so far nothing has been sent to us and the party responsible is doing more ducking and diving than a State Labour politician trying to justify the recent savage State budget - but when (if?!) we do eventually get some material we will post it here although at this rate our colleagues in 'SAOIRSE' will get their stuff first and publish it in the January 2013 edition of the 'paper (....which, BTW, goes to print on Wednesday 9th of that month!). However , we do know that Des Dalton , President of RSF, delivered an in-depth oration on the Free State executions of Liam Mellows, Rory O'Connor, Joe McKelvey and Dick Barrett , during which Peadar O'Donnell's book 'And The Gates Flew Open' was referenced , following which a busy discussion regarding the comparisons of the 1922 political situation and that pertaining today was held. Street-songs and ballads from the 1920's in Ireland were recited and the event was brought to a close with a rousing rendition of our National Anthem.
ANYWAY : re the monthly raffle.....