Friday, October 04, 2024


Sweet 16!

...that's what we'll have ready for Wednesday, 9th October 2024, in our blog post : sixteen pieces, articles, instances, occurrences and/or other such stuff (!), all to do with our recent and not-so-recent historical and political past.

We'll have more info and detail on the following...

Westminster, late 1960's - an attempt to mislead world interest about 'an incident' in Ireland was only hours away from being made, and the British propagandists behind their oak desks were holding their last meeting before the 'big reveal'. They were somewhat nervous, but confident, as this wasn't their first such rodeo...

Westminster, 1900's - communication between high-ranking British Government politicians showed that they considered practically any offer to the Irish rebels to be 'a bridge too far' : "It would break-up our government..."

'Money, money, money' : a 20th Century 'cat and mouse game' between the British and their military and political agents in Ireland, England and further abroad and the military and political agents of the Irish 'dissidents' - but more than money was at stake, and both sides knew it...

..and thirteen other pieces (..well, fourteen, really, but in the last one we'll be mentioning a date in the near future!)

So do, please, give us a click on Wednesday, 9th October 2024. If yer not entirely happy with what ya find, let us know, won't ya?

And we'll block ya...!

Thanks for the visit, and for reading ; call again and be amazed (or blocked!) on the 9th!

Sharon and the team.