Breathless and empty : we are all breathlessly exhausted and our purses are empty - but we'd head back to NYC in the morning if we could !
We had an unbelievable two weeks in Manhattan , Queens , the Bronx , the Bowery , Hells Kitchen , Brooklyn and all points in between (!) and , of course , in New Jersey , in the ginormous shopping outlet that is Jersey Gardens - which we had to visit twice , such was the sheer volume of the clothes etc etc that the five of us purchased : it was just simply physically impossible to transport all our bags back to base in Queens in the one trip !
Our friends , colleagues and comrades in New York - Frankie , Shay , Mal , Kev , Lizzie , Sue , Beth , Tara and Coleen , to name but a few, spoiled us something rotten : between them all , the five of us had the free use of new apartments in Queens and the Bronx , and separate storage space (badly needed and much appreciated!) in the Bowery District plus - and a special 'Go Raibh Maith Agat Go Léir' to Charlie - the free use of a mini-bus and driver for the two weeks !
We publish with this post a few pics of our travels ,but there are some other pics from same which must never see the light of day....

Thousands turned out to say 'Goodbye/Good Buy' to us...!
That's it for now , Readers - we will be back 'properly' (!) on Wednesday 6th July 2011 ; in the meantime , here's a good blog that should keep you going until then....
Slán go foill anois ,
Sharon and Crew.