From 'MAGILL' magazine , September 1984.
By Derek Dunne.
Following amendments to the 'Food and Drug Act' in America , many pharmaceutical companies took their testing overseas due to the controls that were placed on them.
Shortly after the death of Niall Rush , it was envisaged that the proposed new 'Safety Bill' for this State would include some sort of licensing system but the man in charge , Barry Desmond (Labour Party) , stated that ".....no trials should commence unless they had been notified to the National Drugs Advisory Board...." . His Department says that the draft legislation is now at an "advanced stage" but , following extensive discussions and consultations with various interested groups such as the NDAB , the bigger hospitals in the Dublin area , and the pharmaceutical industry, it has been decided to change the direction of the proposed Bill - it is now intended to have "a statutory clearance scheme" instead of licensing , according to the State Department concerned.
That Department refused to say exactly what that means.
('1169...' note - this is the end of the above 'MAGILL' magazine piece but, over the course of same , we have been contacted by three readers who have sent us in related material , which we will post here , beginning next Wednesday , 19th January 2011.)

From 'MAGILL' magazine , June 1980.
" On May 22nd , 1969 , the Dail was dissolved and a general election was fixed for June 18 : when the election campaign got underway , the Minister for Justice , Mr. O Morain , asked me for material with which to highlight the left wing tendencies of some members of the Labour Party and its camp followers and the communist infiltration and indoctrination of the inner circles of the IRA.
I did not encourage him. I said that while there was plenty of material , I thought that, in his personal interest, it would be unwise for him to make such an attack. I recalled the general election campaigns of June 1943 and May 1944 in which Seán McEntee , a Fianna Fail minister , had campaigned vigorously and with considerable success on the infiltration of communists into the Labour Party and the trade union movement ; I said that he had never been forgotten or forgiven for that and that the 'commies' , their fellow-travellers and the rabble of intellectuals in the news media never lost an opportunity of denigrating him.
I said that Mr. McEntee was sui-generis in this kind of campaigning but even he, at times, must have felt a gut-ache at the constant stream of insult and abuse which was still flowing in publications such as 'The Irish Times' over 20 years later , in which he, an elder statesman who deserved respect, was being sneered at as "Old Mischief McEntee......"

The following pics are of a Republican poster which was used in 1972 as part of the campaign by the Republican Movement to achieve a 'NO' vote re EEC membership.
Now , due to the 'YES' vote which won the day , this corrupt State is part-owned by that very same Brussels-based institution , with the other part being owned by the IMF:

More people should have listened to 'The Men Behind The Wire' : if they had , this State and, indeed, the whole country , would not now be in the position it is in. But it's still not too late to do something about it.....
Thanks for reading ,