This weekend ,in a venue on the Dublin/Kildare border , the monthly raffle will be held , at which over 600 tickets will be sold and over €400 in prize money will be won : the profit made from this raffle , which has been held on a monthly basis since the late 1970's , will go to the CABHAIR POW support group and, as usual , no expenses and/or admin fees etc will be deducted.

Over the 20-odd years that this raffle has been held , it's not only the prize-money and amount of tickets which have been changed (both increased , incidentally!) but the method by which it is actually held ; from this -

- to this :

The result sheets are still now duplicated and filled-in with sheets of carbon paper between them but , for the most part , laptops and mobile phones are employed to spread the news of the results , practically within seconds of each of the eight winners becoming known! Such is 'progress'(?).......
And the second fund-raiser :
Although there are other 'projects' in the pipeline , the 'Big One' in Dublin will undoubtedly be the Hunger-Striker Commemorative Function which , as shown in that link , will be held on Saturday 8th May 2010 in the 79'r pub in Ballyfermot.
Tickets for the May 8th function are available from the usual Republican sources and outlets , €5 each, and are selling very fast. It is a mark of the political and professional competence of those behind both of these functions (and other such Republican events) that ,despite the financial recession and State harassment ,they are not only able to organise and hold such functions but that they can make a profit for the Republican Movement , in doing so. They are to be congratulated and admired for doing so , yet all they ask in return is a date and venue for the next meeting at which future gigs will be organised. Unsung Heroes , for sure!