An award-nominated Irish blog. "I tell you frankly and truly
that no citizen I will be,
of this part of 'the Empire',
the Free State colony.
And there are thousands with me,
who will not eat the leek,
but stand by the Republic,
proclaimed in Easter Week..." Twitter and Facebook
Tuesday, January 01, 2008
For a brief report on the Dáithi Ó Conaill Commemoration and some photographs of same , click here. Four other photographs of the occasion are published with this post : thanks to all who participated today , and to the staff and owners of the near-by venue for supplying a hot drink afterwards . Much appreciated!
The Republican Plot , Glasnevin Cemetery , Dublin .
The Commemoration approaches the Republican Plot.
The Chairperson , Des Dalton , and a section of the crowd.
Josephine Hayden delivering the main oration. Now - back to our wee break!