Ar eagle an dearmaid ....
Ba bhrea an rud e siochain bhuan bunaithe ar an gceart a bheith againn in Eireann . Is i an bronntanas is fearr a d'fheadfaimis a thabhairt duinn fein agus dar gclann .
Coinniodh an ceart agus an tsiochain uainn le breis agus ocht gcead bliain , de bharr ionradh , forghabhail agus miriaradh na Sasanach . Socru ar bith a dheantar in ainm mhuintir na hEireann agus a ghlacann le riail Shasana agus a dhaingnionn an chriochdheighilt , ni thig leis an ceart na an tsiochain bhuann a bhunu .
Ni dheanfaidh se ach la na siochana buaine a chur ar an mhear fhada agus an bhunfhadb a thabhairt do ghluin eile . Tharla se seo cheana nuair a siniodh Conradh 1921 agus cuireadh siar ar mhuintir na hEireann e in ainm na siochana . Is mor ag Sinn Fein Poblachtach Eire a bheith saor agus daonlathach , an cuspoir ceanna a bhi i gceist ag Wolfe Tone agus ag na Poblachtaigh uile anuas go dti 1916 agus an la ata inniu ann .
Rinne a lan fear agus ban croga iobairti mora , thug a mbeatha fiu , ar son na cuise uaisle seo .
Least we forget ....
A just and permanent peace in Ireland is most desirable . It is the greatest gift we could give to ourselves and our children . We have been denied justice and peace for more than eight centuries , because of English invasion , occuption and misrule of our country .
Any arrangement which , in the name of the Irish people , accepts English rule and copperfastens the Border , will not bring justice and lasting peace . It will only postpone the day of permanent peace , handing over the basic problem to another generation .
This happened before when the Treaty of 1921 was signed and was forced on the Irish people in the name of peace . Republican Sinn Fein cherishes the objective of a free , democratic Ireland , as envisaged by Wolfe Tone and all Republicans down to 1916 and our own day . Many brave men and women sacrificed a lot , even their lives , for this noble Cause .
The '1169 And Counting... ' crew are on a short break but will be back at their desks in '1169 Towers' in early January . Between this and then take care of yourselves and don't forget about your Irish friends , colleagues and comrades on this isle as we enter into the 838th year of British occupation .
Beannachtai na Nollag agus slan go foill anois !

As confirmed here and here , a sponsored swim in the Grand Canal at Inchicore in Dublin will be held this Christmas day at 12 Noon !
This event has been held on every Christmas Day since 1976 , and has , as usual , been organised by the Cabhair group (details here) , an organisation which seeks to assist the families and dependants of Irish Republican prisoners . The swim , which will be held in the Grand Canal opposite the Blackhorse Inn ('Kelly's on the Bridge') pub at , as stated , 12 Noon , has been known to attract upwards of 200 on-lookers and the organisers supply a turf fire , music , and some food and 'light refreshments' for all those present !
If you can swim , come along on the day and earn your place at the turf fire or at least , perhaps , watch others doing so and maybe even donate a few shillings for their efforts . CABHAIR is an organisation run by voluntary effort and would not accept donations or subscriptions from the State (nor has it ever looked for same) and , as such , would greatly appreciate any financial assistance you can offer .
Go ráibh maith agat , agus Nollaig Shona !