The 'President' of this corrupt wee Statelet , Mary McAleese , addressed her subjects yesterday from the comforts of Arizona , where she is on a mission to drum-up increased trade between our Fat-Cats and any other Fat-Cats that reckon they can make a few bob out of us. In an apparent attempt to get us to work for less than we need to pay our way , Mary stated that we were all "..."overwhelmed with greed..." ,and stated : "I think that every one of us would have to say with our hands on our hearts that we were all consumed by that same element of consumerism. Somewhere along the line we began to think that we weren't happy with deferred gratification. We had to have it now and in this moment, and I think that we have paid a very, very big price for that very radical shift..."
(From here. )
One wonders how Mary McAleese can find the time in her busy itinerary to visit Arizona especially when , as far as we know , her husbands colleague, Jackie McDonald, was not present . One also wonders if Mrs McAleese will receive an extra allowance , on top of the €6,613 per week which her spokesperson stated she receives "...for entertainment and personal expenses . The substantial proportion of this allowance goes to meet the cost of food , refreshments and entertainment.." We may yet have to do a collection , readers ......
Incidentally , Mary McAleese did not have an agreed proposer or seconder in 1997 when she sought the nomination for the position of State President from Fianna Fail . As she said herself at the time - " Either of the candidates (Albert Reynolds and Michael O' Kennedy, on the left in this photo, anyway,) could have got rid of me , there and then ; they would have been perfectly within their rights to insist that we follow the rules . That would have been the end of me and I would not have been a threat to whichever one of them was elected . I was very grateful for their generosity ."
Martin McAleese stated at the time , in relation to that same Fianna Fail nomination meeting : " When Rory O'Hanlon (Fianna Fail Chairperson at the time) told us about the new procedure (ie that Fianna Fail were willing to forgo proposer and seconder) , I couldn't believe that Albert had left the door open for her like that . I can only put it down to overconfidence on his part . If I was in his shoes , I'm afraid I would have insisted on party rules being obeyed ."
The McAleese's and their like , in Leinster House and in the Free State Senate , are non-productive leeches that are living beyond our means. They jet-set around the globe like 'royalty' on a salary and expenses that those they are obstentially 'attempting' to 'drum-up' jobs for wouldn't see in a life time. They should do the 'patriotic' thing and resign . After apologising , and paying back the taxpayer the millions that they have fleeced.