RSF Dublin Rally in commemoration of the 22 Irish Hunger-Strikers and in support of present-day POW's , Saturday 9th May 2009.
A two-hour Rally was held on Saturday May 9 , 2009 , in Dublin , by Republican Sinn Féin members and supporters . The aim of the Rally was two-fold - to commemorate the twenty-two Irish Republicans who died on hunger-strike for Irish freedom between the years 1917 and 1981 and to remind all concerned that Irish Republican prisoners are still fighting to obtain full political status. About thirty people took part in the Rally , some of whom, with others , held banners and placards and helped to distribute leaflets to the many thousands of people in the area. As usual , the State political police - the 'Special Branch' - practically tried to close-down the event , such was the manner in which at least nine of them attempted to discourage members of the public from approaching those holding the Rally. Their intimidation failed , however, (as is always the case!) and those thousands of people - Irish and foreign tourists - who were in the area over that two-hour period were reminded of the sacrifices made and the sacrifices that continue to be made by incaracated Republican POW's.
A full report and more pictures will be published in the June 2009 issue of 'Saoirse' , which will be available from Wednesday June 3rd '09.