(UPDATE : we can add 'Treason' to the above list as well - "The betrayal of a trust or confidence; breach of faith; treachery." One such example of political treason can be read in this excellent post. Those political criminals should be properly dealth with , and you can make of that statement what you want to make of it , so long as they are not able to simply walk away after their punishment...)
Leinster House, Kildare Street , Dublin.
"John Sadlier, Solicitor, Banker and M.P. for the borough of Carlow, and William Keogh, Barrister-at-law, and M. P. for Athlone, fought the Ecclesiastical Titles Bill at every stage, and were acclaimed great Popular heroes. They were prominent figures at the "aggregate meeting" held in the Rotunda on the 22nd August, 1851, to protest against the. Bill, which had been passed, and to take measures for Catholic defence. The chair was occupied by the Archbishop of Armagh (Dr. Cullen), in a short time to be Archbishop of Dublin.
Keogh raised the gathering to the highest pitch of enthusiasm by giving the Chairman his territorial title, and promising that he and his friends would have the Act repealed if the people of Ireland would but send them a few "more Parliamentary colleagues. We will make no terms," he declared: "with any Minister, no matter who he may be, untill he repeals that Act of Parliament".
In his own constituency, where he was entertained to a public banquet on the 28th October, 1851, Keogh declared, in the presence of Archbishop McHale : "I will not support any party which does not make it the first ingredient of their political existence to repeal the, Ecclesiastical Titles Act..." Again, in Cork on the 8th March, 1852, he declared : "So help me God, no matter who the Minister may be, no matter who the party in power may be, I will support neither that minister nor that party, unless he comes into power prepared to carry the measures which ,universal popular Ireland demands."
The sequel to these pledges is well known to the Student of history. In a few months Keogh and Sadlier became brazen pledge-breakers and accepted office under the Government - Keogh as Solicitor-General for Ireland, and Sadlier as Lord of the Treasury..."
(From here.)
John Sadlier and William Keogh are but two foul figures in a long list of foul curs that have not only failed to deliver that which they promised but have , in most cases , done the complete opposite. Here are a few photographs, with captions, of some others that belong in that particular camp -
Vichy collaborators, France.
Gerry Adams and Hugh Orde , Head of the British paramilitary 'police' in the Occupied Six Counties.
And finally - three new posters which were sent to this blog by supporters of Irish Republicanism (and which inspired this post!) :
Working for Westminster!
British administrators want Republicans to inform on their colleagues.
Irish 'Republicans' in the service of the British Crown.
Thanks for reading!