Sunday, September 27, 2009


" I don't care which Party takes me in . I have a pension for life either way...."

In what appears to be an exclusive* to this blog ,we can confirm ** that Mary Harney has rejoined the Fianna Fail party : our exclusive picture , below , is a 'Best Wishes...' advertisement to the 'Lucan Festival' Committee ,which was published on Page 8 of a local newspaper , 'The Local News', (Dublin) West Edition , in its 24 September 2009 issue :

The advertisement which Mary Harney placed.... this Dublin West local newspaper.

The telephone number on the ad is the number for Mary Harney's constituency office but , when we rang it , seeking confirmation that, once again, Harney had jumped ship , a voice from the past told us that his Boss was unavailable , as she was last seen in a helicopter , on her way to wash the blood and dirt from her hands in an outside lavatory. However , the kind gentleman did tell us that Mary will be in the toilet for a few hours as she is trying to get rid of what she apparently believes to be dirt under her fingernails and also confirmed to us that, no matter which political party Mary joins , she will always lean to the right -

"Just try and not injure yourself when exercising. The State health programme is in worse shape than I am...."

That office worker assured us that Mary will be making an official announcement on Wednesday next, 30th September , at One pm , in Parnell Square, Dublin , and stated that he believes thousands of her "grateful subjects" will be present.....

(* Either an 'Exclusive' or a misprint by the 'The Local News' newspaper! / ** "Confirm" , that is, that Harney never really left Fianna Fail , nor them her: they both share the same 'anti-worker/pro-bailout-the-bankers' policies.)