At 4pm , on Monday 7th December 2009 , a core group of about thirty protestors took up their by-now usual positions outside the Clondalkin constituency office of Fianna Fail State Minister John Curran , to object to the proposed/intended savaging of Community Sector workers by the current Fianna Fail / Green Party Leinster House administration.

Once again , John Curran refused to come out to explain himself , both to his local constituents and to those whom he is supposed to be answerable to in his postion as State Minister - also, he didn't see the need to dispatch a flunky to have a few words with us ; but worse than that , he was approached in his constituency office during the past week by local Community Sector workers and asked to sign a SIPTU-inspired 'Pledge',which he refused to do , having read same after it was passed across the desk to him.

The 'Pledge' which offended Curran so much read as follows - "Jobs Initiatives support a wide range of community based services including childcare, elder care, drug rehabilitation , youth projects and recycling to name but a few. Real and vital services are provided at a low cost to the state.
The McCarthy Report proposes that the Jobs Initiative scheme be abolished.
If implemented , this cut will have a major impact on workers , projects and communities . Many workers on these projects carry out extremely valuable work within their communities. Without the existence of J.I. many communities would not have the help and support they need. As an elected representative, if you wish to support J.I. workers in their campaign to save their jobs , please pledge your support below.
Your stance on this issue will be communicated to all our members in the Community Sector.
I ________________________ support SIPTU's campaign to defend the Jobs Initiative scheme and the workers currently on the scheme. "
Curran therefore refused to put it in writing that he believes that the J.I. scheme is worth defending and has already told us that he doesn't believe that the McCarthy cutbacks will affect local communities in the manner we conveyed to him : in short , regardless of how his constituents feel , he will do the bidding of his Masters in this Fianna Fail and Green Party administration. His complicity in the destruction of these Community Sector programmes will be highlighted by Republican Sinn Féin the next time he sends his lackeys knocking on doors for him at the next election.

Well done to all who kept the pressure on John Curran over this issue, which is not yet settled : this blog would like to send its congratulations to all those who took part and , week after week , made the effort to attend - the CDP/ JI/ CE workers , RSF , and the dozens upon dozens of members of the public who joined in and/or otherwise supported us in our on-going campaign. We ask that you not stray too far away : we will most likely be needing your support again in the near future.....