The RSF-organised 'Eve of All-Ireland Rally' was held yesterday (Saturday 17th September 2011) in O'Connell Street , Dublin and, between the traffic isle on which it was held, and the footpaths on both sides of O'Connell Street , it was observed by about 200 people. Both uniformed and 'Special Branch' State operatives were 'on hand' but caused no trouble to or for the organisers , although the 'SB' men and women tried their best to deter the crowd from remaining in observation of the Republican proceedings but to no avail. They also made their presence known to the organisers and to the crowd after the event had finished , as usual.
The day began , as is usual for this event , at 12.30PM when a van dropped-off the small stage unit etc and the 'electrics' (amp , speakers , control-box etc) in O'Connell Street , where the six-person RSF crew was waiting :the gear was then assembled on the traffic isle facing the GPO following which a three-person 'crew' was left to keep an eye on same whilst other RSF members and supporters made their way up O'Connell Street to the assembly point outside the Garden of Remembrance from where , at 2PM , a contingent of Irish Republicans, led by a Piper , Cumann na mBan representatives and an RSF Colour Party , made their way , marching down O'Connell Street , to the GPO.
The proceedings were Chaired by Andy Connolly , Dublin, who, in the course of his introductory speech , highlighted the fact that, although this was an 'Eve of All-Ireland' Rally , Republicans remain conscious of the fact that a British-imposed partition means that this is not , yet , an 'All-Ireland' Ireland , an injustice which Republican Sinn Féin is working to correct. The two main speeches were delivered by Róisín Hayden and Geraldine McNamara and , on command, the Flags were dipped in memory of all those who have given their lives to obtain that objective. The Rally was brought to an end after Séan , the Piper, played the National Anthem.
Both speeches , and more photographs , will be published in the October 2011 issue of 'Saoirse' , which goes to print on Wednesday 5th of that month : meanwhile , we post a few pics we managed to round-up and, if you are signed-in to 'Facebook' , there are more on view here.
