The following statement was issued to the media today , Saturday 3rd December 2011 , by Dublin RSF , and we were requested to post same on this blog :
In light of media speculation it needs to be clarified that Liam Kenny,
Clondalkin , resigned in writing from Republican Sinn Féin on September 23 , 2010 and , on October 18 , 2010 , he accepted a letter from the Clondalkin-based Maire Drumm / Kevin Barry Cumann of Republican Sinn Féin confirming that his letter of resignation had been accepted.
From September 23 , 2010 , Liam Kenny had no input , locally or nationally , to or with the Republican Movement.
John Horan (PRO)
Comhairle Ceantair Atha Cliath,
Teach Dáithí Ó Conaill,
Republican Sinn Féin,
223 Parnell Street ,
Dublin 1.
As a resident in Clondalkin , and an Irish Republican activist , I can confirm the above as I knew Liam from his brief stay in the Movement and spoke with him on various occasions both before and after he left.
Thanks for reading ,