One of the placards carried by RSF on the Dublin 'Austerity Protest' , Saturday 24th November 2012.
I was proud to be one of the RSF "fascist" demonstrators on the 'Austerity Protest' in Dublin yesterday who, along with thousands of other protestors, called loudly and repeatedly on the organisers, the trade union leadership, to end their financial and moral support for the State Labour Party and to begin preparations for a general strike : the man at the 'Top Table' of that TU leadership, Jack O'Connor , responded by calling us "fascists". That man , and others of his ilk that sit around that 'Table' doing deals with professional politicians has lost his bearings and for a long time now has come to consider himself to be 'one of them'. His objective is to 'manage' the cutbacks on those that still have jobs and the unemployed, rather than to stop same. And he calls us "fascists" for highlighting the fact that his snout is in the same trough as those who seek to continue forcing a lower standard of living on workers and the unemployed! With a moral compass of that nature, 'Jack The Lad' is on course for a 'job' in Leinster House , or perhaps a less 'taxing' position in the useless State Senate.
And, again, I was proud to be there, with other supporters and members of RSF, as part of the 20,000 protestors that took to the streets of Dublin in opposition not only to the 'Troika' but in opposition, too, to the present Fine Gael/State Labour party Free State Administration - the real fascists in this gombeen State. Well done to all of us for taking a stand !
Incidentally , the RSF placard (pictured above), re 'The Gathering' , that was carried on the 'Austerity Protest' (more pics of that demo here and here) is in reference to an attempt by the State authorities to present a picture of 'normalisation' here, even though we (ie the 'ordinary Joe Soaps') are actually tethering on the brink of full economic collapse. We wrote about that subject already but an interesting thing happened yesterday on the protest when a gentleman approached us , pointing at that placard, and brought to our attention the fact that the State-appointed person in charge of 'The Gathering' is non other than ex-Fine Gael General Secretary Jim Miley , and that he is paid a salary of €3500 a week.
.....and you can call me "a fascist" for pointing that out, if you want !
Thanks for reading,