In 1933, the shoneens in Leinster House and the author of a piece of work came to a financial agreement that suited both parties in more ways than one - the author/artist in question sold out, first, financially and, secondly, he also secured a position for himself in the State system...// Pot, kettle - when a pro-Stormont regime newspaper pointed a blood-stained finger at others and complained about "a criminal and armed conspiracy.." // The men were in one organisation and the women were in a different one - they mostly didn't get on but did pull together when the pressure was on.. // 1922 - three Free State soldiers shot by their own, by 'accident', and State wage packets being commandeered by the IRA for other use (!)... // 1917 - when a 'terrible beauty' done a 'terrible deed' in a registry office because his church might not have approved...
All the above, and more, will be detailed in a seven-part post to be published here on Wednesday, 20th October 2021.
We'll keep a seat for ya for Wednesday. So don't bleedin' let us down, or else...!
Thanks for the visit, and for reading,