Saturday, June 29, 2024


There is a lot of talk recently about the State Army and the possibility/probability that it has thugs within its ranks ("...68 members of the (State) Defence Forces have been convicted or are before the courts for a range of offences. The figure was provided to Micheál Martin in a report from (State Army) Chief of Staff Lieutenant General Seán Clancy...").

Yet, in the 1920's, when Leinster House politicians and their State Army chiefs practically timed their recruitment campaign to specifically target miscreants, those guilty of "a range of offences", there was, if anything, encouragement for such a move, rather than objections.

More about that on the 3rd, and we'll be naming names...

We'll also have a few paragraphs about a military/political figure who is known the world over as 'an evil genius, a madman, a lunatic..', but yet his close family connections to Ireland are not half as well known, if even that.

Indeed, in the course of our research, we came across a connection between that person and the area we ourselves live in, in Dublin...!

And we'll be mentioning a not uncommon occurrence in this country (pre-partition) that still affects us girls to this day : we know what it's like, more so than men would, when we get put in contact with a good, professional mobile hairdresser- bear with me now... - as we don't always have the time to make an appointment with the salon, then with a childminder (who will also keep an eye on the dog..!) and then organise transport to and from the shop...phew!

The more convenient option is to have herself call to you, to do the job.

In the 1920's, IRA Volunteers undertook such 'house calls', but in reverse...!

On Wednesday, 3rd July 2024, we'll be posting the finishing touches (groan!) to the above-mentioned three pieces, plus 15 other ones, in an 18-part blog post.

So, if we've piqued your curiosity (Ya wha', Shar...?!), or you're just a nosey fecker, then give us a shout on the 3rd!

Thanks for the visit, and for reading!

Sharon and the team.