Sunday, September 01, 2024


Kerry, 1920's - this IRA Volunteer changed sides and shouldered a weapon for the enemy he had been fighting against. He was sent to a different townland in his own county to do battle against his old comrades but they no longer had any friendship towards him...

...and we're back (...what do ya mean ya didn't notice our absence...??!) after our family fling in, incidentally, Kerry!

Dozens of us - we made a long weekend out of it, lock-ins, rebel songs, breakfast at Tiffanys (seriously!) between 3am and 4amish, caught-up with old comrades, colleagues, friends and had a good chat, I'm told (!) with col ceathracha cousins and chancer Kerry lads who swore blind they were related to us!

And I swear blind here, readers, if yis don't check back with us on Wednesday, 4th September 2024....yis will miss the closing chapters in the above, and these...

Waterford, 1920's - guerrilla warfare on the streets, so most civilians stayed indoors. This elderly lady was in her house, reading a newspaper, when shots were heard outside. Then her neighbours heard shouts for help...

Kildare, 1920's - this rather tame nationalist group were an easy target for the British, and so it was that they were victimised for 'the sins of the father...'

Westminster, 1920's - the Irish republican struggle was receiving world-wide attention and publicity, and the British PM didn't favour the coverage, so he wrote a fairly telling letter to his (unofficial) second-in-command...

We have a 15-part post almost ready to go, for the 4th - so give us a shout then, won't ya...?

Thanks for the visit, and for reading ; see ya Wednesday 4th!

Sharon and the team.