Sunday, September 15, 2024



The IRA leadership were aware that not all Volunteers would be capable of doing what they were about to be asked, and made it clear that no shame would attach to a refusal - that those that weren't prepared to go that far 'down in the mire' would be tasked elsewhere.

A core group put themselves forward, after their objective was explained, and their contact details were collected.

A second grouping of Volunteers, to operate as 'stand-ins', was organised to supplement the first group, when required, and .38's were exchanged for .45's...

...and that's just one of the eighteen pieces we'll be writing about, on Wednesday, 18th September 2024.

To our eternal shame, our impropriety and our dishonor, this fine Irish rebel woman was buried in a paupers plot in the 19th century. Despite the public pain and disappointment she endured, and the reasons she endured that suffering, she was discarded.

Mea culpa...

Wrestling with deaf dragons and gorillas who know nothing and care nothing in 19th century Ireland - rogues, called out by a 'toff' with 'royal' blood with a green tint...

England, 19th century - their 'Irish problem' had, once again, being brought to their doorstep as a result of 'suspicions the authorities had that these Irishmen were about to commit an offence'. The 'court case', such as it was, went ahead, even though the verdict had already been decided...

As stated, we have an 18-part post almost ready for Wednesday, 18th September 2024 : sure the only thing we ain't got yet is a promise from yerself that you'll pop-in then, but ya will, won't ya...?!

(PS - Hello to Josh, the 'old woman' [play on words there!] from North GGS who'll be joining us on the 18th : hope we don't let ya down or, if we do, that it's gently...!)

Thanks for the visit, and for reading : see y'all on the 18th!

Sharon and the team.