..Wednesday the 18th December 2024, that is..
...but not, unfortunately, the best 'Goodie' that we wish we were delivering - a United Ireland.
And as sure as the 18th and the 25th will come, so will our best Goodie!
But, for now, yis will have to make do with the dozen-or-so pieces that we'll be posting here on Wednesday, 18th December, 2024, included in which will be the full script for the following pieces -
In the late 19th Century, before the working-class were properly unionised (...some would say they still aren't today, as the trade unions are staffed by mostly careerists, who see their careers on the opposite side of the negotiating table. And, in our opinion, the "some" that say that would be right!), the workers in this particular industry got together and formed themselves into a sort of 'representative body' which didn't hold back when it came to 'negotiating'. But then they were infiltrated and betrayed...
Ireland, 1919 - perhaps it was an 'affair of the heart', or guilt about how he had conducted himself, or maybe his British Army comrades were pushing him to be more 'macho' in his dealings with the Irish...? But, whatever it was, the only way out that he could apparently see was a farewell note and a long walk off a short pier...
Westminster, 1919 - figures were announced by a top politician in relation to their 'spending', financially and militarily ('man power'), in Ireland : a shocking amount for both which, considering Britain itself was societally in the doldrums, should have made them think twice but, apparently, didn't faze them one bit...
In reference to an article from 2002 - "...one of the main differences between the unvetted and illegal Irish in America, who are willing - indeed, anxious - to earn their keep and not be a burden or a threat to the American people, and the fake and/or dangerous so-called 'refugees' who are, at the time of writing, in this State in their tens of thousands, leeching off the abilities of State taxpayers, overpowering the indigenous Irish and our whole social welfare system and destroying us societally..."
So do, please, give us a shout on Wednesday, 18th December 2024, and if'n ya don't...
..then we'll know yer being naughty, not nice!
Thanks for the visit, and for reading - see ya on the 18th!
Sharon and the team.